This is We Believe
This is We Believe
How many moments in the last day have you been intensely alive? How about in the last week? The last month? Actually, it turns out.....the answer is all of...
Your art. Your words your work - its all matters.
in community
Do it before you're ready. Letters to My Younger Self
people, products, books, brands, authors, artists, makers, creators and entrepreneurs we're reading and recommending in January 2025
a collection of Jewish artists and E-commerce brands and business to support
1. Roadmap: We’ll be building a tiny but mighty marketplace for Jewish authors/artists and entrepreneurs to share your digital creative output - your articles - your books - your courses - your content - your coaching/consulting - physical products - it matters not - whatever it is...
if you create art - and ideas - if your words and your work inspire, empower, entertain and educate other people - you will never lack an audience - nor a steady stream of customers, clients, and folks eager to invest in your art - and ideas
Tiny but mighty marketplace for Jewish authors, artists and entrepreneurs. Teach what you know. Do what you love. Wake up the world with your work. Join us!
The me of yesterday meets the we of today. Tiny questions, Unconventional lessons and Mini mediations on waking up, showing up and growing up. In community. For community. #Bettertogether A new Q and A series in January 2025 for Jewish authors, artists and entrepreneurs. How has your life changed as...
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world” – Anne Frank Everything changes. Life, is always beginning again. We trick ourselves into buying in to the illusion that who we were yesterday, or even an hour ago, is the same self we...
(by making better things together)