One of the unexpected benefits of this weird experiment in creating an online platform to support/promote Jewish authors, artists and entrepreneurs, are some of the odd and enthusiastic introductions I get (usually by email - and often, with no additional details/context other than a link - or a one word endorsement ) to the work of others.
One such email landed in our inbox this morning - and now, in the service of paying it forward, it's landing in yours, too 😄
Really love all of the eclectic art and collection of work on Julia Wald's website - super unique, cool, creative and colorful work that triggers all of the artistic envy I've been carrying around for the last few decades of my professional life.
Well worth checking out if your tastes fall a little bit outside of the ordinary like my own.
PS - Julia's Substack is also super smart and interesting - and while I don't know her beyond what i've read/seen this morning, glad that someone reached out to us to share her words - and her work.
If you have a favorite Jewish artist - or shop/store you'd love to recommend to our community, send us a note ( and i'm happy to shout it out to "Challah!" newsletter subscribers 😄 - or feel free to leave it in the community comments below.